Bike Pod Hire Agreement
Customer Name: ____________________________(The Hirer) Tel: ________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Post Code: ____________________________________
Hire Period: ______/______/______ To ______/_____/______ (INCLUSIVE) Costs: _______
Term and Conditions:
Please Tick each box to confirm you have read, are satisfied and agree to these terms.
- Crazy Horse Bikes Bike Pods are offered in full working condition. The Hirer shall check the Bike Pod for damage before hire and be satisfied with the condition of the Bike Pod.
- Bike Pods must be returned in good condition. A charge will be incurred by the Hirer for any damage/loss however so incurred to the Bike Pod whilst in their possession. The Hirer shall at all times treat the Bike Pod with reasonable care and shall ensure it is kept clean and undamaged subject to reasonable wear and tear.
- The Hirer shall take full responsibility for the security of the Bike Pod, including equipment contained therein and keys during the hire period and shall ensure the Bike Pod is secured at all times when not in use. If the Bike Pod is stolen or otherwise lost, the Hirer will be charged for the full replacement cost (including shipping) of the Bike Pod including any decals.
- Crazy Horse Bikes provides no insurance cover for the Bike Pod or for personal property. The Hirer is responsible for arranging suitable travel insurance cover for the Bike Pod and personal property for the duration of the hire period.
- The hire period is set out above. The Hirer will ensure the Bike Pod is returned to us no later than 30 minutes prior to our closing on the last day of the hire period. Late return fees of £14 per day will be charged for late returns.
- Bike Pods are hired at the Hirers own risk and Crazy Horse Bikes will not be liable for personal injury or damage to equipment whilst it is packed in the Bike Pod, regardless of whether our packing service was used.
- The Hirer authorises Crazy Horse Bikes to retain a copy of credit/debit card details (as below) until the Bike Podis returned to us and agreed by us to be in Good Condition and/or to otherwise levy charges for any loss of or damage to the Bike Pod or accessories or for any late return fees no matter how caused/incurred. Charges are at the discretion of Crazy Horse Bikes and are not negotiable.
- I have read and agree to the above Terms and Conditions.
Customer Signature: __________________________________(The Hirer)
Print Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
Credit/Debit Card Details: